Researchers in biomedical fields require biorepositories of high quality annotated specimens in order to carry out their work.
Why are FFPE Samples in Such High Demand?
FFPE Sample sources and Next Generation Sequencing
DNA Quality Indicators for Downstream Application Sample Selection
How Storage Time of FFPE Blocks Affects Quality
FFPE Block Samples for the Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer
Effective Extraction of DNA, RNA and Proteins from FFPE blocks
The Importance of FFPE Tissue in Oncology Research
How Human Tissue Samples are Used in Research
Understanding Cell and Tissue Preservation Methodology
In order to preserve tissues and cells collected for scientific purposes, a number of important techniques and protocols must be utilized - this is called the tissue preservation method. The tissue preservation process is crucial to samples of human and animal tissue. Blood and serum samples are the basic materials used to advance clinical and basic research into a host of significant human diseases.