Biofluid Samples


Our Biofluid Sample inventory



    • Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and healthy donors


    • oncological, autoimmune, and healthy donors

Urine Samples

  • Urine specimens can be collected from a large variety of normal and diseased donors.

  • All urine specimens are collected before any surgery, unless noted or requested otherwise.

  • Urine specimens are collected under IRB approval, following a strict SOP.

  • Urine specimens are frozen within 1 hour of collection and are stored at -80°C.

Urine is not regularly collected for storage in our stock, but we can easily set up a prospective collection customized to our customers’ specifications.

stool/ feces Sample

tissue procurement
  • Stool specimens are available from a variety of normal and diseased donors, including patients with cancer, colon polyps, Ulcerative Colitis, and Crohn’s Disease.

  • All stool/feces specimens are collected before any surgery, unless noted or requested otherwise.

  • Stool/feces specimens are collected under IRB approval, following a strict SOP.

  • Stool/feces specimens are frozen within 2 hours of collection and are stored at -80°C.

Stool/feces is not regularly collected for storage in our inventory, but we can easily set up a prospective collection customized to our customers’ specifications.

Ascites Fluid sample

  • Ascites fluid is usually collected from cancer patients and patients with other diseases.

  • All ascites fluid specimens are collected before any surgery, unless noted or requested otherwise.

  • Ascites specimens are collected under IRB approval, following a strict SOP.

  • Ascites specimens are frozen within 2 hours of collection and are stored at -80°C.

Ascites is not regularly collected for storage in our Biorepository, but we do have specimens available. We can also easily set up a prospective collection customized to our customers’ specifications.

saliva sample

  • Saliva specimens are collected before any surgery, unless noted or requested otherwise.

  • Saliva specimens are frozen within 1 hour of collection and are stored at -80°C.

Saliva is not regularly collected for storage in our biorepository, but we can easily set up a prospective collection customized to our customers’ specifications.

sputum sample

  • Sputum specimens are usually collected from pulmonary disorders, but may be available from other donors.

  • Sputum specimens are collected under IRB approval, following a strict SOP.

  • Sputum specimens are frozen within 2 hours of collection and are stored at -80°C.

Sputum is not regularly collected for storage in our biorepository, but we can easily set up a prospective collection customized to our customers’ specifications.

Synovial Fluid sample

  • Synovial fluid specimens are regularly collected from Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) or healthy donors

  • Synovial fluid specimens are collected under IRB approval, following a strict SOP.

  • Synovial fluid specimens are frozen within 2-4 hours of collection and are stored at -80°C.