Geneticist is a state-of-the-art provider of high quality human tissue samples and clinical information.

Geneticist was established in 2009 as a privately held company in Los Angeles. We offer a paramount quality of specimens at our biorepository and a selective and specially crafted human tissue-based research administration, which is our organization's biggest and quickest developing business segment. Our extensive biorepository is developed with cutting edge technology because being absolutely state-of-the-art is a necessity for our company's future success and the advanced global research efforts we play a role in. We are proud to offer optimal services and clinical specimens including tissues, blood, serum, bone marrow, tissue microarrays and full access to our biorepository. Our specimens are gathered from a system of scholarly and proficient clinical foundations under strict moral gauge.   

At Geneticist’s biorepository, we collect biomaterial from targets such as Dermatology, Oncology, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Neurology, Autoimmune and Metabolic disorders. Our specimens are extracted utilizing the most humane and ethical practices from a wide variety of human sources supported by pathological information and the patient’s clinical and historical documentation.