According to the National Human Genome Research Institute, “gene cloning produces copies of genes or segments of DNA”. Researchers have successfully cloned a range of biological materials such as genes, cells, tissue, and even sheep. Natural cloning exists, such as identical twins and in some plants or single-cell organisms such as bacteria.
There are three types of artificial cloning done by researchers, including gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning. We’ll discuss how these various methods are conducted, their benefits, and more.
Types of Artificial Cloning
Genes are cloned through a complex process conducted by researchers that insert a gene collected from an organism, often referred to as the “foreign DNA”, and inserted into the genetic material of a carrier, often referred to as a vector. A vector can be numerous things, including viruses, yeast cells, bacteria, plasmids, and more. Once the foreign DNA is inserted into the vector, it is placed in a laboratory environment that encourages it to multiply.
Gene Cloning
Gene cloning (also known as DNA cloning) creates copies of genes or segments of DNA.
This can be used for:
Biopharmaceuticals: the creation of insulin or human growth hormones
Gene therapy: When patients lack the functional form of a specific gene
Gene analysis: to build an artificial, mutated version of a gene to help them understand how normal genes are supposed to function and how they may mutate
Gene cloning is a complicated and thorough process, but it can be incredibly beneficial to healthcare professionals and the future of medicine. DNA cloning allows healthcare professionals to analyze the function of a gene, investigate a gene’s characteristics, potential mutations,
Therapeutic Cloning
Therapeutic cloning is the process of creating a cloned embryo for the purpose of creating embryonic stem cells with the same DNA as the donor. There have not been any human embryos created through therapeutic cloning so far, but might be a possibility once the resources and technology are available. Therapeutic cloning can grow healthy tissues in the laboratory to replace injured or diseased tissue, making this process particularly beneficial for cancer patients. It has the potential to create organs (allowing patients to get off the ever-growing donor list), treat tissue rejection, and can act as a preventative treatment.
Reproductive Cloning
Reproductive cloning is the process of producing copies of an entire animal. While the idea of DNA cloning is not new, the first cloned animal was Dolly the sheep in 1996. Collected DNA that is intended to be replicated is transferred to the donor animal’s somatic cell into an egg cell and is then developed into an early-stage embryo in a test tube. These test tubes are designed to replicate the womb of an adult female animal.
Artificial cloning is a complex process and raises many questions about medical ethics. However, we cannot deny the overwhelming benefits it can provide. Using DNA cloning to gain a better understanding of genetic mutations provides researchers with endless opportunities to explore how genes and DNA function. The use of therapeutic cloning will allow us to provide sick patients with alternative choices. We are discovering more about the benefits and the risks of genetic cloning, so it is important to stay updated on the latest findings. Explore our biorepository to order a variety of cell and tissue samples for your own research and medical use